A compendium of his wicked witticisms, profound pithy pronouncements and prophetic aphorisms.
“There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about.”
“When good Americans die they go to Paris.”
“A poet can survive everything but a misprint.”
This is a compendium of over 300 of Oscar Wilde’s witticisms on almost every topic imaginable. The contents can be quickly accessed to enliven conversation, invigorate speeches and demonstrate erudition or just enjoyed for their dazzling originality and intelligence.
Height 153mm x Width 108mm x Depth 12mm
Wise Irish Words Proverbs & Sayings
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This hand-picked collection of over 1,000 traditional proverbs and sayings of the Irish people, includes contributions from: Samuel Beckett, Brendan Behan, Bono, St. Patrick and many others.
Irish proverbs and sayings represent aspects of Irish culture and history passed down through the oral tradition over centuries. They have been used to help navigate the challenges of life for many. They often originated in rural communities where the unwritten laws of reliance on neighbours and dealing with authority may have made the difference between life and death. Now however, they are appreciated for the wealth of wit and wisdom they contain.
Height 153mm x Width 108mm x Depth 12mm
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